As a little girl I dreamt of living the nomadic life in a Gypsy caravan, colourful, romantic moving from place to place. My dream caravan would look something like this:
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Failing that I wouldn't say no to this perfect little caravan.

Caravans have been around for centuries originally made from wood and used to transport goods, but it was in 1880 when the Bristol Carriage Company designed a luxury caravan for D W Gordon that the world stood up and noticed their appeal. Interestingly caravans became extremely popular amongst the upper classes, who went on to create the first 'Caravanning club' in 1901. By the 1920s and 1930s caravan fever had spread across America, as well as other countries, consequently they became more affordable and therefore more popular with the middle classes too.
There is something quite liberating about staying in a caravan for people like me who freely admit that this is the closest they'll come to actual camping. Last weekend we stayed in Glen's family's more conventional caravan, seeing Matilda running around it or sitting on the grass beside it picking daisies was such a joy. Living so close to nature is wonderful for children, opening the door to the warm sun pouring in is just lovely. We were treated to the local village fireworks display on our last night which we watched from under the blanket of stars covering the sky. Perfect end to our long weekend.
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