With all the rain we've had I thought this image from Squidoo was perfectly apt for today. I'm on a quick break from cooking so I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Christmas full of joy, food, peace and health!
Christmas Eve in my household remains very Portuguese, tonight we have our dear friends Simon and Neil joining us. They'll be bringing a Fabada with them which will enhance the Iberian mood of the night. I've made my Bacalhau com Natas accompanied by an assortment of salads. Pudding is Portuguese carrot donuts and Italian Tiramisu. Think we've got the Mediterranean covered with the menu. Matilda will be leaving a mince pie and glass of Port for Father Christmas whilst the reindeer food will be sprinkled in the front garden.
We may take a quick peek outside before she goes to bed to see if we can see the great man himself travelling across the skies.
So have yourselves a Merry Christmas with friends, family and a whole lot of treats!
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