Ok, so I admit I've been keeping this one under my hat. It was hard enough turning 40 last year but 41? There is no going back I'm now definitely in my 40's and you know what time is just moving along at such a rapid pace it only feels like yesterday we were packing our bags and heading off to Brazil to celebrate my big day.
This year we've stayed closer to home. The husband treated me to a gorgeous lunch at the River Cafe in Hammersmith, which is only a short river walk away from where we live. I was showered with generous gifts from the husband and Matilda including a sparkling new laptop! Then this afternoon some dear friends came over with prosecco and whilst our children splashed around in the paddling pool naked we tucked into chocolate cake, Portuguese rice pudding (arroz doce) and a number of bottles of Prosecco. Oops...
Anyway I've had a marvellous day and when I'm feeling a little more sober I'll tell you more! In the meantime have a great rest of the weekend, enjoy this glorious weather and remember you're only as young as you feel! That'll be 19 in my case then!
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