A sunny comeback!

What a joy it is to return home to a glowing sun, glorious blue skies and happy people. After enduring a long journey home yesterday, made even more arduous by the Portuguese Air Traffic Control going on shift strikes. Consequently causing endless delays and cancellations. Thankfully our flight was not cancelled only delayed by about 3 hours in the terminal then another hour on the plane. We were not amused. The Toddler even less so.

Thank goodness for the iPad and constant reruns of Peppa Pig. I normally can't abide him but yesterday I was relieved to see his jolly little face whilst we were crammed into the morning Easyjet flight from Lisbon. To add insult to injury we then arrived at Luton in serious Friday night rush hour traffic. It took me nearly two hours to drive home, needless to say I was in the middle of a major sense of humour failure by the time we reached the house. I was however relieved and delighted to see the husband who I'd missed terribly over the last 10 days. Luckily we're rarely apart and enjoy each other's company so it was a very long time to be separated. I was even treated to a refreshing bottle of Champagne which by god I needed after the day the toddler and I had had.

The one saving grace was the sun, the heat and boy have there been oodles of it since we landed yesterday. It feels like I'm back in Portugal, spirits are lifted, the gardens have exploded with growth, the UK feels like it's on holiday. And for one am not complaining.

Despite having a mountain of washing and tidying to do today the chores were eased by the constant cold drink and ice cream breaks whilst basking in the sun.

Welcome back sun, we love you and hope you're here to stay for the Summer.
