Last night was the last of my 40th Birthday celebrations with my oldest and dearest girlfriends. So today after a night of white wine and cocktails I'm feeling slightly delicate. My alcohol tolerance has diminished drastically since being pregnant and having a baby, sad thing is I don't even drink that much anymore but it just goes straight to my head leaving with a stinking headache the next day.
It states on the NHS website there is no such thing as a miracle cure for a hangover except to not drink at all! Bloody marys, high cholesterol breakfasts, diet cokes, a pint of water before you go to bed, chocolate thickshakes, toast and nutella. shandies, raw eggs and worcestershire sauce, hair of the dog, none of them really make any physical difference, they simply ease your pain by rewarding you psychology for trying.

These days though having a hangover with a spirited toddler bounding around is quite a challenge. How I miss when I could just wallow on the sofa with the box set of Sex and The City and eat a burger followed by a tub of Haagen Dazs and then a long 10 hour sleep session. Now I have to get up and be full of energy, be entertaining and make sure Matilda still gets her five a day.

Luckily I did get a tiny lie in this morning (until 8.42am!) then the husband took her to the local Father and Baby playgroup, but instead of going back to bed I had to take a trip to Waitrose and put 2 loads of washing on. Finally this afternoon I did get to put my feet up with the latest issue of Vogue and Singin' In The Rain on the box, which totally mesmerised Matilda, she was even trying to copy the Tap routines. Despite everything I did have a blissful time today though, watching her fall head over heels to one of my favourite movies, whilst sipping my Cup of Lady Grey and relishing a couple of Jammie Dodgers.
It states on the NHS website there is no such thing as a miracle cure for a hangover except to not drink at all! Bloody marys, high cholesterol breakfasts, diet cokes, a pint of water before you go to bed, chocolate thickshakes, toast and nutella. shandies, raw eggs and worcestershire sauce, hair of the dog, none of them really make any physical difference, they simply ease your pain by rewarding you psychology for trying.

These days though having a hangover with a spirited toddler bounding around is quite a challenge. How I miss when I could just wallow on the sofa with the box set of Sex and The City and eat a burger followed by a tub of Haagen Dazs and then a long 10 hour sleep session. Now I have to get up and be full of energy, be entertaining and make sure Matilda still gets her five a day.
Luckily I did get a tiny lie in this morning (until 8.42am!) then the husband took her to the local Father and Baby playgroup, but instead of going back to bed I had to take a trip to Waitrose and put 2 loads of washing on. Finally this afternoon I did get to put my feet up with the latest issue of Vogue and Singin' In The Rain on the box, which totally mesmerised Matilda, she was even trying to copy the Tap routines. Despite everything I did have a blissful time today though, watching her fall head over heels to one of my favourite movies, whilst sipping my Cup of Lady Grey and relishing a couple of Jammie Dodgers.
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