No Junk Mail means No Junk Mail, right? Not to the dexterous builders/pizza/Indian curry house leaflet delivery people. I've had the above sign up for months now as I got fed up of coming home and not being able to push open my front door for all the free newspapers, leaflets and magazines. Has it deterred them? Not in the slightest. Perhaps its because I now work from home hearing the gate go incessantly that the complete lack of regard for my privacy and right to not have 20 different pizza companies to chose from, really irritates me. I'm constantly picking up junk mail from the doormat and sometimes they can't even be bothered to put them through the letterbox simply chucking them on the doorstep. Though, I must say Matilda finds it highly amusing to pick these leaflets up then instead of putting them straight into the recycling bag proceeds to shred them herself. I get a little gratification from that.
So the war against the leaflet distributor has begun, I caught two today. Luckily I was sitting in my front room/office making calls for our lovely client Kitty Dolittle when I heard them come up the path, so I ran out the front made them both come back and get their leaflets whilst pointing out the sign! One was very apologetic and the other couldn't care less.
Leafleting may work for some but I, as you can gather, find it annoying, what makes these random companies think I will choose their Gardening firm that I have no knowledge of, over the gentleman that's been pruning my trees for the last 15 years. Case in point, my neighbour last Autumn decided to call such a company to prune her ancient Bay tree, clearly cowboys who knew nothing about pruning sympathetically have now practically killed it.
We at roomtobreathe also have leaflets to hand out, but we only give them to people who are interested. Much of our business has come from word of mouth and personal recommendation, which I positively encourage. We always meet potential for a free lengthy initial meeting, we offer up references, so they can get to know us and our ethos before they make their decision.I certainly wouldn't want to bother anyone that definitely didn't want to be bothered. That's the great thing about social media such as Blogs, Facebook or Twitter, if you're suddenly not interested you can hide or unfollow and hopefully you won't be hounded, you can't do that with corporate litter, short of sealing your letterbox!
So my war continues against the hordes of publicity I get through the letterbox, as my husband said how would they feel if we called their phone numbers and didn't put the phone down making all their lines engaged? Happy? I don't think so.
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